Diamond in the Rough

Because property prices everywhere are dropping like stones, global real estate investment expert Dr. George Smith is pleased. In fact, he's recommending that his clients go house hunting. George foresees a worldwide crash in 2007 that will enable sharp-eyed investors to pick up premium residential and commercial real estate at perhaps a 40 percent markdown.

His new money and strategy book, The Bubble is Over - And here's how you can cash in! uncovers dozens of opportunities in property purchasing and realty management. George outlines how each real estate niche - from fixer-uppers to apartment buildings to commercial spaces -- can be cherry-picked for the best bargains.

George says the major causes of the market crash include:

"These signs are unmistakable," the author says. "Properties are losing value and nervous consumers have cut way back on their spending. The impact on the economy will be enormous, especially for banks, developers, retailers and the construction trades." Contents



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